
You might be surprised how economical printing your own bespoke wallpaper might be and can create an outstanding wall display.

Used typically for pitch theatre, retail display, temporary display…and kids’ bedrooms!

Our bestselling wallpaper uses low-tack self adhesive, which makes it a cinch to put up and will stay up for as long as you like…but then can be easily removed without any damage to the surface of the wall beneath.

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COVID-19 Update

Our Central London offices remain open to receive orders, for small & large format print, design & installs. We cannot however offer any counter services, but our delivery partners, locally, nationally and internationally are all operating normal services. If you require any work or have an enquiry, please either call our main number: +44 (0)20 7372 5557‬ or email us on hello@ithastobebrilliant.com